Friday, June 14, 2013

Come and Support our DIV 1 Seniors

This Saturday has a rare opportunity for our junior players to show some club spirit and cheer on our Div 1 Jerra Joeys team who play Sunrise at QNA at 1.30 pm. Since our Div 1  Senior team is a travelling team they don't often get the opportunity to play at home. This is a fantastic opportunity for the junior teams to come and watch and hopefully pick up a few tips and game play from the senior team. You would also be providing great support to our top team who may be your daughters school teacher, netball coach or on the Jerra Joeys committee. 

So come and support your Div 1 Team who are playing Sunrise this week, which is believed to be their toughest competitor and is sure to be an exciting game. Make sure you bring your cheering voices and wear your black, white and teal.

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